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Yisro 5785: Ma’amad Har Sinai: A Path to Yiras Shamayim

Yisro 5785: Ma’amad Har Sinai: A Path to Yiras Shamayim

What is the highlight of Parshas Yisro? Matan Torah. Matan Torah is the greatest event that happened in history. There is nothing that even comes close to that event. In Parshas Vaeschanan, Moshe Rabeinu warns us, in the strongest terms, to be exceedingly careful and to guard ourselves very much against not forgetting the event that our own eyes saw. You have to see the event, you have to remember the event, and you have to have this event at the front of your heart.

Beshalach 5785: Using Challenges to Build Your Bitachon

Beshalach 5785: Using Challenges to Build Your Bitachon

In the past, we discussed how having pachad and fears does not help a person get siyatta diShmaya. Sometimes, when we see somebody who looks scared and afraid, our hearts go out to that person and we want to help them. So, many people think that if they look afraid and they act scared, Hashem is going to help them. Does that logic make sense to you? No. Why?

Bo 5785: Teshuva: It’s Never Too Late

Bo 5785: Teshuva: It’s Never Too Late

In the beginning of the Parshah, Hashem is talking to Moshe and tells him to come to Pharaoh “…For I have hardened his heart…” My Rebbi pointed out that this pasuk says that Hashem hardened Pharaoh’s heart in order to bring upon him all these miraculous blows. Based on this, if Hashem would not have hardened Pharaoh’s heart, He would not have been able to bring these miraculous blows on Pharaoh. My Rebbi said, “What’s the p’shat in that?”
