This website is an archive of Sichos Yisroel.

Lech Lecha:  Breaking Free From Your Surroundings

Lech Lecha:  Breaking Free From Your Surroundings

The Ramban comments on when the command of lech lecha was initially said to Avraham Avinu. He says that initially Avraham was in Ur Kasdim – that’s where they tried to burn him at the stake, and that’s where Hakodosh Boruch Hu found “his heart to be faithful.” After that episode, Avraham Avinu fled Ur Kasdim with the intention of going to Eretz Canaan, even before Hashem commanded him to go there. He went to Charan and was stopped there, and that’s where Hashem came to him and told him: lech lecha

Parshas Noach: Using Opportunities For Avodas Hashem

Parshas Noach: Using Opportunities For Avodas Hashem

What we’re going to discuss today is the sugya of the mabul. Now, if you want to study the mabul, the source of studying the mabul is the gemara in Sanhedrin.
The first thing we’re going to discuss today is what brought about the sin that caused the mabul. We’re going to study this aspect. We want to understand what caused man to fall to the point they did?

Sukkos 5785: The Dual Nature of Sukkos

Sukkos 5785: The Dual Nature of Sukkos

Let us take a look at the end of Parshas Emor where the Torah discusses the Yom Tov of Sukkos. The pasuk says: On the 15th day of this 7th month, it is Chag Hasukkos Lahem. A few pesukim later it says: However, on the 15th day of the 7th month, when you gather in your harvest, you should celebrate a chag hashem shivas yamim. The obvious question is why does the Torah repeat these dates twice?
