This website is an archive of Sichos Yisroel.
Vaera 5785: The Beginning of Our Redemption
In this week’s parshah, we encounter the yetzias Mitzrayim. Pharaoh will tell you, Moshe and Aharon, to show him some miraculous proof that you are agents of Hashem and you are not just saying it on your own. Say to Aharon, take your staff, throw it down before Pharaoh, and this stick will turn into a serpent, a type of a snake. Interesting, the choice of words that Hashem uses, tanin, a word that is also used to refer to sea serpent. This was similar to the miracle that Moshe performed for the Jewish nation when he first came to see them but over there the staff became a nachash. In front of Pharaoh it didn’t become a snake. It became a tanin.
Shemos 5785: Tackling Your Inner Pharaoh
This week’s parshah begins by discussing the galus Mitzrayim, followed by the yetzias Mitzrayim. Every time you learn a sugya, you have to know its essence. Yetzias Mitzrayim has so many lessons, but you have to understand what is the essence of yetzias Mitzrayim. If somebody would ask you, what does yetzias Mitzrayim mean to you, you’d first have to know what galus Mitzrayim means in order to answer that question.
Vayechi 5785: Bitachon: Our Only Hope
There are a lot of hints that Yaakov Avinu foresaw the future of Klal Yisrael, and he mentioned them in the birchas Yaakov. Chazal tell us that Yaakov Avinu foresaw how Shimshon Hagibor will defeat the enemies of Klal Yisrael in an unbelievable way and Yakov thought that Shimshon was going to be the Moshiach, but since he saw that Shimshon was going to die, Yaakov Avinu realized he’s not going to be the Moshiach. So, what did Yaakov Avinu say next?
Menorah Raffle 5785
Buy your chance to win a $4000 Silver Menorah
Temporary End to Printed Issues in USA
Dear Loyal Readers, Regretfully we would like to inform you that due to severe financial constraints, unfortunately, we have to suspend the printing and distribution of Sichos Yisroel (starting from Parsha Balak) in the US, for a foreseeable future. While there is a cost to producing Sichos Yisroel every week (transcribing, editing, type setting) the…