Metzora/Pesach 5784: The Exile and Redemption of the “Mouth”

Metzora/Pesach 5784: The Exile and Redemption of the “Mouth”

There is an interesting Ibn Ezra on the pasuk in our parsha: “This shall be the law for a metzora at the time of being purified, when he’s brought to the Kohen” (Vayikra 14:2). This is the law of the metzora and how he goes through his taharah ceremony…It’s a process. There’s a very interesting Ibn Ezra over here.

Tazria-Metzora 5783: How to Earn and Keep Your Olam Haba

Tazria-Metzora 5783: How to Earn and Keep Your Olam Haba

The Torah allots two parshiyos, Tazria and Metzora, to discuss nega’im, tzaraas. Chazal tell us that one of the main reasons nega’im and tzaraas come is for lashon hara. You have to understand, if the Torah makes such a fuss and elaborates to such a degree over the onshim of lashon hara, it behooves us to contemplate once in a while about the seriousness of nega’im and lashon hara. Therefore, Moshe warned Am Yisrael, when he said to them, ‘This shall be the law for a metsora – the law of the one that gives out a bad name.