Chukas 5784: How to Deal With Fears

Chukas 5784: How to Deal With Fears

Today, we’re going to discuss how to deal with certain fears. I’m going to introduce the topic with a story first.

There was a fellow named Rav Tuvia. Rav Tuvia used to come to a mosad once a week. The rebbe’im of this mosad held a weekly meeting, and he would be present to answer questions and suggest possible answers to issues they faced. He was an expert in dealing with issues, and he would tell them how to deal with various difficulties.

5782 Chukas Image

Chukas 5782 – The Blessing of Dependence

The passuk tells us that after Aharon died, the people lodged a complaint against Hakadosh Baruch Hu. They said they were tired of the circuitous route that they were taking, they were fed up with the difficulties of traveling around for many days and they began to speak against Hashem and Moshe, why did You take us out of Mitzrayim to die in the midbar there’s no lechem and there’s no mayim!