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Parshas Vayigash: Learning Emotional Intelligence From Yosef
Shiur presented in 5778 Boruch Matir Assurim! We must begin today’s shiur by giving a shevach to Hashem over the ישועה that He brought about for R’ Shalom Rubashkin on the last day of Chanukah (Dec 21, 2017). The way to view this story is based on what it says in the Siddur: וּלְךָ עָשיתָ…
Yom Kippur 5785: Yearning for Real Change and Chiyus
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Chayei Sarah 5783: The Foundation That’s Chessed
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Ki Sisa 5784: What Do You Really Yearn For?
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Bamidbar 5784: Are You Ready for Kabalas HaTorah?
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Vayikra 5784: Destroying Our Inner Amalek
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