Sukkos 5785: The Dual Nature of Sukkos

Sukkos 5785: The Dual Nature of Sukkos

Let us take a look at the end of Parshas Emor where the Torah discusses the Yom Tov of Sukkos. The pasuk says: On the 15th day of this 7th month, it is Chag Hasukkos Lahem. A few pesukim later it says: However, on the 15th day of the 7th month, when you gather in your harvest, you should celebrate a chag hashem shivas yamim. The obvious question is why does the Torah repeat these dates twice?

Yom Kippur 5785:  Yearning for Real Change and Chiyus

Yom Kippur 5785:  Yearning for Real Change and Chiyus

The time period of the year that we now find ourselves is the most unique period of the entire year. There are no other days remotely like this. We’ll start with some words from the Rambam (Hilchos Teshuva 2:6) who writes the following: Even though teshuvah and davening are always yafeh (nice)…Now, let us pause for a moment and study those words. The Rambam says that teshuvah and davening, both teshuvah and crying out to Hashem, are yafeh all year long. What does that mean that it’s yafeh? What does that mean, it’s nice?

Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech:  Know What to Ask For on Yom HaDin

Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech:  Know What to Ask For on Yom HaDin

Somebody did a big avlah to the Brisker Rav. The Brisker Rav was upset. This fellow considered himself the Brisker Rav’s talmid. My rebbi told me, “My father, the Brisker Rav, sent him a message: ‘I won’t have a shaychus to you from now on, not in this world and not in the next world.’” When I heard that, somehow, for some reason, it struck a chord, and I realized that what I have with my rebbi is not just while I’m with him in his house or sitting by his shiurim…You’re with them in the next world.

Parshas Ki Savo: Rosh Hashanah: Accept Your Mission and Break Free 

Parshas Ki Savo: Rosh Hashanah: Accept Your Mission and Break Free 

Let’s say a person had challenges this year which were sent to enable him or her to fulfill the mission for which they came to this world. But instead of utilizing them to fulfill their mission they did the opposite. So then Hakadosh Baruch Hu says, “We have to turn up the heat a little bit.” But if a person passes the challenges, then Hakadosh Baruch Hu says, “Now you’re ready for the next step.”

Parshas Ki Seitzei: The Power of a Kind Word

Parshas Ki Seitzei: The Power of a Kind Word

In this week’s parshah, it says that somebody from the nation of Amon or Moav cannot become part of the Jewish nation. Even after ten generations they can’t come bekahal Hashem forever. Why not? Because of the matter that they didn’t present you with bread and water on the road when you were leaving Mitzrayim. Now, this is an amazing thing.

Parshas Shoftim: Making Elul Great Again!

Parshas Shoftim: Making Elul Great Again!

Today is the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul. A person has to be aware that when Elul comes, he has to get his mind ready. He has to prepare himself for Elul. If you just let Elul come and flow over you, you will not get any benefits from Elul. There are some things that you could experience while you’re sleeping and still derive benefits from them. For example, taking an x-ray or having an MRI done.

Parshas Eikev: Parnasah Without Worries

Parshas Eikev: Parnasah Without Worries

In this week’s parshah, we have the Parshas HaMann. Most people have heard about the mann, but they think that the mann only fell when the Yidden were in the desert and that really doesn’t have any shaychus to us today. Because of that, they miss tremendous lessons. They miss a tremendous wellspring, a ma’ayan, that could serve a person’s parnasah. You have to know that the mann is an eternal lesson. How do you know that? Because Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu…

Parshas Vaeschanan: How To Break Through With Tefillah

Parshas Vaeschanan: How To Break Through With Tefillah

We learned about the koach habitachon that Yitzchak Avinu needed to have in order to daven to Hashem. We also mentioned a yesod from Rav Tzadok that a person could have bitachon for anything that’s al pi teva. That’s why even though Chana did not have children, she was able to daven to Hashem because beteva she could have had children.