Ki Sisa 5784: What Do You Really Yearn For?

Ki Sisa 5784: What Do You Really Yearn For?

fter the sin of the cheit ha’eigel, Hashem Yisbarach was quite upset at Klal Yisrael, to say the least, and Moshe Rabeinu appeared as a tremendous shaliach of the tzibbur, to plead for us, to beseech Hashem for us. It would appear that Moshe Rabbeinu didn’t react in any negative manner, only in a positive manner, although he did break the luchos in response to encountering the event of worshiping the eigel which was a tremendous act of sacrifice on Moshe Rabbeinu’s part. But in realityץץץ

Terumah 5784: The Purpose of American Wealth and Prosperity

Terumah 5784: The Purpose of American Wealth and Prosperity

In this week’s parshah the subject is Hashem telling Moshe to tell Klal Yisrael about the Yidden donating money and goods to the Mishkan. One of the keilim in the Mishkan was the Aron. It says regarding the Aron “you should make poles” that you put in the Aron (Shemos 25:13). Chazal say that refers to those who assist those who are involved in eisek haTorah.

Mishpatim 5784: The Importance of Tikkun Hamiddos

Mishpatim 5784: The Importance of Tikkun Hamiddos

Rav Yisrael Salanter is known as the father of the mussar movement. What was the nekudah that Rav Yisrael introduced to the world? What was he trying to accomplish? Was he trying to be mechazek people in a certain area of kiyum hamitzvos? The Chafez Chaim was famous for his sefer Shemiras Halashon.But his intention was not just that people should learn hilchos shemiras halashon. He was trying to get people to strengthen themselves in the fulfillment of the laws of shemiras halashon.

Beshalach 5784: Are You Living in the World of Reality?

Beshalach 5784: Are You Living in the World of Reality?

The Torah relates that after Klal Yisrael came out of Mitzrayim, they witnessed the greatest historical event and the greatest revelation up to that point in the history of the world. They saw myriads of makkos, hundreds of makkos. They saw Hashem taking apart Mitzrayim brick by brick. They saw Hashem playing with the Mitzri’im. They saw krias Yam Suf. They were able to point with their finger and say זה קלי ואנוהו, “this is My God, and I will glorify Him” (Shemos 15:2). They saw ananei hakavod, clouds of glory.

Vaera 5784:  The Key to Curing Addictions

Vaera 5784:  The Key to Curing Addictions

There is a fellow in Eretz Yisrael who is the editor of the Hebrew Yated Ne’eman. His name is Yisrael Friedman. He was extremely close with Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman. He was in his house many times. One day, eighteen years before Rav Aharon Leib was niftar, the phone rings by Yisrael Friedman. He picks up the phone – it’s the rosh yeshivah. Rav Aharon Leib is calling. Rav Aharon Leib tells him, “I have to speak to you right now…”

Shemos 5784:  Shovavim: Addressing the Challenge

Shemos 5784:  Shovavim: Addressing the Challenge

Yesterday, we spoke about the power of the yetzer hara, where he comes and he challenges each and every one of us, and presents us with new things. He has innovations. He offers us opportunities for new, imaginary horizons. And people succumb to his tricks. He gets into our minds, and messes with us, and we fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

Vayechi 5784: How Frum Do You Have To Be?

Vayechi 5784: How Frum Do You Have To Be?

Today, I want to discuss an interesting question that was posed to me. It is something that I experience quite often when meeting people. The question is: “What is the level of Yiddishkeit, of frumkeit, of religion that Hashem expects of me? Does Hashem expect everybody to be committed to the same degree?” It would be very difficult to imagine that Hashem would expect from a little fellow from Chicago the same that He would want from a fellow from Lakewood or Meah Shearim