Vayeishev 5784: A Life of Facing Challenges

Vayeishev 5784: A Life of Facing Challenges

here’s a famous medrash that Rashi brings on the meaning of the word וַיֵּשֶׁב יַעֲקֹב, namely, that the term vayeishev insinuates that Yaakov Avinu wanted rest (Bereishis 37:2). He wanted מרגוע (restfulness). He had been in galus for many years, and was coming back to settle in Eretz Yisrael, the land of his forefathers. The medrash says…

Vayeishev 5783: How to Overcome the Most Extreme Challenges

Vayeishev 5783: How to Overcome the Most Extreme Challenges

Parshas Vayeshev is a unique parshah. It’s a parshah where you encounter strife. You encounter tzaros tzeruros in the life of Yaakov Avinu. You encounter tzaros tzeruros in the life of Yosef Hatzaddik. Each of them, Yaakov and Yosef, endured their own difficulties, and were not able to share it with each other as they were separated by distance and weren’t aware of each other’s experiences. This parshah, which deals with yesurim, teaches us something tremendous, because yesurim are part and parcel of our lives. It is something that is totally unavoidable.

Chaukah 5781: The Grown-Up Message of Chanukah:  Complete Bitachon in Hashem

Shiur presented in 5779 A Superficial Outlook on Yomim Tovim This year, B’ezras Hashem, we will get another chance at celebrating the Yom Tov of Chanukah.  Most  people have a childlike view of Chanukah, just like everything else in their lives because when they were children, their parents introduced them to Chanukah through their childish…