Vaera 5785: The Beginning of Our Redemption

Vaera 5785: The Beginning of Our Redemption

In this week’s parshah, we encounter the yetzias Mitzrayim. Pharaoh will tell you, Moshe and Aharon, to show him some miraculous proof that you are agents of Hashem and you are not just saying it on your own. Say to Aharon, take your staff, throw it down before Pharaoh, and this stick will turn into a serpent, a type of a snake. Interesting, the choice of words that Hashem uses, tanin, a word that is also used to refer to sea serpent. This was similar to the miracle that Moshe performed for the Jewish nation when he first came to see them but over there the staff became a nachash. In front of Pharaoh it didn’t become a snake. It became a tanin.

Vaera 5784:  The Key to Curing Addictions

Vaera 5784:  The Key to Curing Addictions

There is a fellow in Eretz Yisrael who is the editor of the Hebrew Yated Ne’eman. His name is Yisrael Friedman. He was extremely close with Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman. He was in his house many times. One day, eighteen years before Rav Aharon Leib was niftar, the phone rings by Yisrael Friedman. He picks up the phone – it’s the rosh yeshivah. Rav Aharon Leib is calling. Rav Aharon Leib tells him, “I have to speak to you right now…”

Vaera 5783: Planting Seeds to Build Our Future with Bitachon in Tefillah

Vaera 5783: Planting Seeds to Build Our Future with Bitachon in Tefillah

We have to learn from our avos, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, that we need to develop in every area of our lives. The avos built the future of Klal Yisrael. Their whole outlook and their whole avodah was with an eye on the future. It’s not the pshat that the avos were great Jews, super Yidden, and therefore they got a present, and were blessed with good children. That’s how we may see it. When we see a guy has good kids, what do we say? “Oh, he got a brachah. He went to a rebbe. He went to a tzaddik. He went to some kever. Maybe he did a good deed.” You have to realize the avos were called avos. Do you know what avos means?