Parshas Devarim/Special Topics 5784: Don’t Let Your Hishtadlus Mess You Up

Parshas Devarim/Special Topics 5784: Don’t Let Your Hishtadlus Mess You Up

Now, when Hashem told him that “I will be with you, like I was with Moshe,” it meant, I will be with you for as long as I was with Moshe. But we know it’s not like that. Yehoshua lived 110 years. Moshe Rabbeinu lived 120 years. So the medrash says that Yehoshua should have also lived 120 years. Why was his life shortened by ten years?

Devarim 5783: Special Topics: Different Levels of Bitachon

Devarim 5783: Special Topics: Different Levels of Bitachon

n parshas Chukas, a famous episode took place where Klal Yisrael began to complain to Hashem and complain to Moshe. They were saying all kinds of nasty things. “Why did you take us out of Mitzrayim? What kind of food are you giving us?” And Hashem got upset and sent them a “present.” It wasn’t the kind of present that we’re looking forward to.