Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech:  Know What to Ask For on Yom HaDin

Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech:  Know What to Ask For on Yom HaDin

Somebody did a big avlah to the Brisker Rav. The Brisker Rav was upset. This fellow considered himself the Brisker Rav’s talmid. My rebbi told me, “My father, the Brisker Rav, sent him a message: ‘I won’t have a shaychus to you from now on, not in this world and not in the next world.’” When I heard that, somehow, for some reason, it struck a chord, and I realized that what I have with my rebbi is not just while I’m with him in his house or sitting by his shiurim…You’re with them in the next world.

Parshas Ki Savo: Rosh Hashanah: Accept Your Mission and Break Free 

Parshas Ki Savo: Rosh Hashanah: Accept Your Mission and Break Free 

Let’s say a person had challenges this year which were sent to enable him or her to fulfill the mission for which they came to this world. But instead of utilizing them to fulfill their mission they did the opposite. So then Hakadosh Baruch Hu says, “We have to turn up the heat a little bit.” But if a person passes the challenges, then Hakadosh Baruch Hu says, “Now you’re ready for the next step.”