Beha’aloscha 5782 – Excuses: Their Meaning & True Source
לזכות רפו”ש צבי מרדכי בן
הדסה ברכה בתשח”י
Consider sponsoring a shiur
Shiur presented in 5779
לזכות רפו”ש צבי מרדכי בן
הדסה ברכה בתשח”י
Consider sponsoring a shiur
Shiur presented in 5779
Dedicated in honor of one of our most loyal supporters & wishing him hatzlocho on his move to Eretz Yisroel Consider sponsoring a shiurVisit Shiur presented in 5780
What does, קַח לְךָ, take for yourself, mean? Rashi explains, קָחֶנּוּ בִּדְבָרִים , take him with words. Draw him in convince him and say to him, אַשְׁרֶךָ שֶׁזָּכִיתָ לְהַנְהִיג בָּנָיו שֶׁל מָקוֹם, fortunate are you that you are zocheh to be manhig the children of Hashem.
Our discussion today is about the obligation of hakaras hatov. In the hierarchy of all mitzvos, where does hakaras hatov stand? How important is it? What would you say?
Today is the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul. A person has to be aware that when Elul comes, he has to get his mind ready. He has to prepare himself for Elul. If you just let Elul come and flow over you, you will not get any benefits from Elul. There are some things that you could experience while you’re sleeping and still derive benefits from them. For example, taking an x-ray or having an MRI done.
Consider sponsoring a shiurVisit Shiur presented in 5778
The gemara Yevamos (62b) tells us about the 12,000 pairs of talmidim that Rabbi Akiva had. They didn’t learn in one building. They were spread out from a place called Gabos until Antifras – a network of yeshivos under Rabbi Akiva’s leadership. To imagine such a yeshivah is unbelievable.