Tazria 5782 – Striving For Greatness
Sponsored By: The Rechanik Family In honor of the volunteers that make Sichos Yisroel possible
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Shiur presented in 5772
Sponsored By: The Rechanik Family In honor of the volunteers that make Sichos Yisroel possible
Visit YTATorah.org
Shiur presented in 5772
Today, we’re going to discuss one of the most powerful tools for reaching out and inspiring others. In the world of sales, it’s all about marketing. If you want to sell a product, you have to know what the customer is looking for and how to present it to the potential customer. If you have those two ingredients, they say the sale will go down by itself.
Everybody who hears this shmuess, should express their hoda’ah to Hashem Yisbarach, that they’re able to go to the bathroom and vacuate without surgery or any other intervention.[i] Perhaps you don’t understand what it says in asher yatzar, and you don’t think about it, that if Hashem blocks one of a person’s openings אי אפשר להתקים, they can’t exist. A person should dance and sing after they go to the washroom.
Somebody did a big avlah to the Brisker Rav. The Brisker Rav was upset. This fellow considered himself the Brisker Rav’s talmid. My rebbi told me, “My father, the Brisker Rav, sent him a message: ‘I won’t have a shaychus to you from now on, not in this world and not in the next world.’” When I heard that, somehow, for some reason, it struck a chord, and I realized that what I have with my rebbi is not just while I’m with him in his house or sitting by his shiurim…You’re with them in the next world.
In this week’s parshah,we encounter a tremendous episode where Hakadosh Baruch Hu has a discussion with Avraham Avinu. Avraham Avinu says, הן לי לא נתת זרע, I don’t have children, והנה בן ביתי יורש אותי, behold my steward [Eliezer] will be my heir (Bereishis 15:3). True, a stranger won’t be the one to inherit me, but it’s not going to be my son.
Today’s shiur is dedicated l’ilui nishmas isha hagedola, Sara Ita bas R’ Avraham Avigdor. Today was her yom hakvura. She was an outstanding person who lived day in and day out fulfilling her tafkid in life, working on her tafkid of being em b’yisroel.
Dedicated in honor of one of our most loyal supporters & wishing him hatzlocho on his move to Eretz Yisroel Consider sponsoring a shiurVisit YTATorah.org Shiur presented in 5780