Tazria 5782 – Striving For Greatness
Sponsored By: The Rechanik Family In honor of the volunteers that make Sichos Yisroel possible
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Shiur presented in 5772
Sponsored By: The Rechanik Family In honor of the volunteers that make Sichos Yisroel possible
Visit YTATorah.org
Shiur presented in 5772
Now, when Hashem told him that “I will be with you, like I was with Moshe,” it meant, I will be with you for as long as I was with Moshe. But we know it’s not like that. Yehoshua lived 110 years. Moshe Rabbeinu lived 120 years. So the medrash says that Yehoshua should have also lived 120 years. Why was his life shortened by ten years?
No “easy” version this week. Sponsored Anonymously Visit YTATorah.org Shiur presented in 5773
In this week’s parshah, we see a very interesting criterion for a shidduch. Eliezer is sent by Avraham Avinu as a shaliach to bring about one of the biggest shidduchim in history. The Torah tells us that Eliezer davened to Hashem to send him the right girl for Yitzchak.
Our discussion today is about the obligation of hakaras hatov. In the hierarchy of all mitzvos, where does hakaras hatov stand? How important is it? What would you say?
Tonight’s subject be’eizer Hashem,is to figure out the purpose of our lives in this world, for each one of us. One of the most fundamental principles of Judaism is that there is no creature that exists, that was created for no reason, or by chance. Every single one of the creatures in the universe has a specific purpose. That’s a mind-boggling concept. Every blade of grass, every ant, and every fly has a purpose in Hashem’s creation. That’s principle number one.
Parshas Bechukosai falls out almost every year right before Shavuos, or close to Shavuos. The subject of Parshas Bechukosai, as many people will tell you, is klalos and brachos, or tochachah. But the emes is that tochachah is only the end result. Many of us deal with symptoms but we don’t think about the reason for the symptoms. You always have to search for the reason for the symptoms.