Emor 5782 – An Exercise Program to “Boost” Your Shabbos
לכבוד שמחת הנישואין של יוסף חיים בן דינה ומלכה בת רחל מרים ובהתחלת בנין בית נעמן בישראל
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Shiur presented in 5781
לכבוד שמחת הנישואין של יוסף חיים בן דינה ומלכה בת רחל מרים ובהתחלת בנין בית נעמן בישראל
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Shiur presented in 5781
Today, I want to share with you something that I heard from my Rebbi (HaRav Meir Halevi Soloveichik, zt”l) many years ago. It’s what you would refer to as a Brisker chiddush. One of the uniquenesses of the Briskers, is that they took nothing for granted. All assumed understandings were always re-analyzed and re-studied in order to find the emes. I remember hearing this chiddush from my Rebbi and thinking, “Wow! That’s an interesting devar Torah!” And then I realized it wasn’t a devar Torah. They generally don’t say divrei Torah. What they try to find is the emese pshat in the pesukim. Let me share with you this wonderful chiddush.
The parshah begins with the episode of Yaakov preparing himself for his ultimate meeting with Eisav, and the Torah tells us about Yaakov Avinu’s emotional state. It is rare for the Torah to reveal the emotional states of our avos and our imahos. But on rare occasions, Hashem pulls back the curtain. You have to realize that if the Torah does that, it means it’s important for us to know about it. We could face the same situation and we can learn from the Torah how to deal with.
Pinchas rose to the occasion and performed an act of zealotry to stand up for the honor of Hashem. Because of this great action of his, he was zocheh to be gebentched with the greatest of brachos. The passuk says: “behold, I have given him a covenant of peace”. The Seforno explains that since Pinchas struggled My struggle in that zechus, he received bris shalom. What is bris shalom? I will save him from all antagonism to his way of life. Pinchas will be saved from all antagonism toward him and he will be a man who will live in peace.
In this week’s parshah, we encounter a life challenge that many of us will face to some degree. Most people lose themselves completely when they face such a challenge. The Torah says that when Yosef finally meets his brothers and he tells them, “…don’t be angry at yourself that you sold me.” Could you imagine if you had a brother or brothers that sold you into slavery?! And then that sale ended you up in jail, in the papers? You’d be very, very upset. But Yosef tells his brother not to be sad…
Today we will begin with our first shiur for this tekufah on the subject of bitachon. We spoke numerous times about emunah, but bitachon is where the power begins. Emunah is the seed or the tree, while bitachon is the fruit.[i] Emunah is the study of the halachah, whereas bitachon, in the words of the Chazon Ish zichrono levrachah, is the halachah lema’aseh.[ii]People don’t realize that the Torah teaches us how to behave in every situation.
Sponsored By: The Rechanik Family In honor of the volunteers that make Sichos Yisroel possible Visit YTATorah.org Shiur presented in 5772