Emor 5782 – An Exercise Program to “Boost” Your Shabbos
לכבוד שמחת הנישואין של יוסף חיים בן דינה ומלכה בת רחל מרים ובהתחלת בנין בית נעמן בישראל
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Shiur presented in 5781
לכבוד שמחת הנישואין של יוסף חיים בן דינה ומלכה בת רחל מרים ובהתחלת בנין בית נעמן בישראל
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Shiur presented in 5781
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In this week’s parshah, Yaakov Avinu is encountering his brother Eisav. And Eisav was quite upset with Yaakov. Eisav came to kill him. And the emes is, you know, that Chazal tell us what really happened. The malachim that Yaakov sent to greet Eisav had to teach Eisav a lesson that he wouldn’t forget. It says they began to beat him up. Eisav wasn’t used to getting pushed around, and they pashut beat him up and he was pleading with them to stop and to have rachmanus.
Dedicated in honor of one of our most loyal supporters & wishing him hatzlocho on his move to Eretz Yisroel Consider sponsoring a shiurVisit YTATorah.org Shiur presented in 5780
“These are the journeys of the Israelites…” Rashi cites Chazal, who ask why the Torah lists all their travels, and he answers that it was in order to make Klal Yisroel aware of the chessed of Hashem that they stopped and rested from one station to the next.
here’s a famous medrash that Rashi brings on the meaning of the word וַיֵּשֶׁב יַעֲקֹב, namely, that the term vayeishev insinuates that Yaakov Avinu wanted rest (Bereishis 37:2). He wanted מרגוע (restfulness). He had been in galus for many years, and was coming back to settle in Eretz Yisrael, the land of his forefathers. The medrash says…
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