Looking for part time bookkeeper in Eretz Yisrael

Dear Sichos Yisroel Team in Eretz Yisroel, 

Eli and I are looking for an extremely part-time bookkeeper in Eretz Yisroel (probably 2-4 hrs/week), to, first, help us with straightening out our financial accounts, and then, managing them, updating us regarding our reserves and cash flow, maybe doing some basic forecasting, and – importantly – paying the vendors (via Zelle or Paypal), which for someone w Zelle account is a click of a button. We’d ideally like to find a US citizen (because most of them have a Zelle account), and someone who’s already doing this maybe on a full time basis, and is therefore qualified, but also someone who wouldn’t mind adding 2-4 hrs a week to their weekly work schedule. 

If you know of someone already or could send out some email “feelers,” please let Eli (ytatorah@gmail.com) and me (gutkin@gmail.com) know if you receive replies from interested parties. 

Thank you! 


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