Pekudei 5782 – Make Shabbos Great Again
May Hashem’s positive accounting of Klal Yisroel merit Moshiach’s immediate coming!
Shiur presented in 5778
May Hashem’s positive accounting of Klal Yisroel merit Moshiach’s immediate coming!
Shiur presented in 5778
Special Topics: Moshe Rabbeinu and Elazar Hakohen were commanded to count the Bnei Yisrael (Bamidbar 26:4). The next passuk says: Reuven, the eldest son of Yisrael: the children of Reuven; Chanoch, the family of the Chanochi: of Pallu, the family of the Pallui. The obvious question: If it says Chanoch, do you think it’s Mishpachas Finkelstein?! Obviously, Chanoch is Mishpachas Hachanochi! Obviously Palu is Mishpachus Hapalu’i!
In this week’s parshah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu begins by talking to Moshe Rabbeinu and telling him “You shall command the Bnei Yisrael, and they should take for you, pure olive oil, crushed, for the lighting.” (Shemos 27:20)…Why when it’s talking about the olive oil for the menorah it says they should take ‘for YOU’?
Ais tzora hi l’Yaakov. Although the zman did not begin yet, the tzora, the milchama in Eretz Yisrael is the reason why we’re gathering for this short shiur. Many requests for a shiur were made, so we are hoping to share some words of chizuk and understanding with the olam. Hopefully this tzara should pass…
Pinchas rose to the occasion and performed an act of zealotry to stand up for the honor of Hashem. Because of this great action of his, he was zocheh to be gebentched with the greatest of brachos. The passuk says: “behold, I have given him a covenant of peace”. The Seforno explains that since Pinchas struggled My struggle in that zechus, he received bris shalom. What is bris shalom? I will save him from all antagonism to his way of life. Pinchas will be saved from all antagonism toward him and he will be a man who will live in peace.
We learned about the koach habitachon that Yitzchak Avinu needed to have in order to daven to Hashem. We also mentioned a yesod from Rav Tzadok that a person could have bitachon for anything that’s al pi teva. That’s why even though Chana did not have children, she was able to daven to Hashem because beteva she could have had children.
Welcome everybody to this evening shiur. We want to express our thanks to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for enabling us to teach about His wonderful Torah, about His wonderful ways to His children, and we hope to raise the level of our relationship with Hakadosh Baruch Hu, our commitment to Him, and our appreciation of who we are, what we are, and where we are heading.