Shemini 5782 – Four Non-Kosher Animals & the Umos Haolam
Sponsored L’zchus Acheinu Bnei Yisroel In The Ukraine – May They Experience Yeshuos B’Karov!
Shiur presented in 5780
Sponsored L’zchus Acheinu Bnei Yisroel In The Ukraine – May They Experience Yeshuos B’Karov!
Shiur presented in 5780
fter the sin of the cheit ha’eigel, Hashem Yisbarach was quite upset at Klal Yisrael, to say the least, and Moshe Rabeinu appeared as a tremendous shaliach of the tzibbur, to plead for us, to beseech Hashem for us. It would appear that Moshe Rabbeinu didn’t react in any negative manner, only in a positive manner, although he did break the luchos in response to encountering the event of worshiping the eigel which was a tremendous act of sacrifice on Moshe Rabbeinu’s part. But in realityץץץ
The passuk opens by saying that Hashem called to Moshe – ויקרא אל משה (Vayikra 1:1). The Ba’al Haturim discusses why the last letter alef in the word ויקרא is written small. In a sefer Torah most letters are written uniformly, the same size. The alef in ויקרא is written smaller than the other letters. The Ba’al Haturim says that the reason for that is because Moshe Rabeinu was exceedingly humble. He was the ענו מכל אדם, the most humble of people. In spite of his immense brachos, in spite of all the greatness that Hashem bestowed upon him, Moshe was the humblest of all people.
In the Torah it says, “If your brother becomes impoverished…” That means, the redeemer goes to the guy who bought the achuzah and gives him money and then he gets his relative’s field back for him. The passuk continues, “and a person who doesn’t have a redeemer and he comes into money.” Let’s say the original owner, who had to sell his field, comes into money somehow. He wins a lottery ticket…
Today is the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul. A person has to be aware that when Elul comes, he has to get his mind ready. He has to prepare himself for Elul. If you just let Elul come and flow over you, you will not get any benefits from Elul. There are some things that you could experience while you’re sleeping and still derive benefits from them. For example, taking an x-ray or having an MRI done.
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The Ramchal writes, in Derech Hashem, about the concept of gilgulei neshamos, how a person could come back in different forms. As a matter of fact, one person can even have a number of neshamos. There are many people who don’t understand what motivates them and where they get their koach from. The gemara tells us, for example, that Rabbi Yochanan said: “I come from the offspring of Yosef.”