Shemini 5782 – Four Non-Kosher Animals & the Umos Haolam
Sponsored L’zchus Acheinu Bnei Yisroel In The Ukraine – May They Experience Yeshuos B’Karov!
Shiur presented in 5780
Sponsored L’zchus Acheinu Bnei Yisroel In The Ukraine – May They Experience Yeshuos B’Karov!
Shiur presented in 5780
Shiur presented in 5778 Boruch Matir Assurim! We must begin today’s shiur by giving a shevach to Hashem over the ישועה that He brought about for R’ Shalom Rubashkin on the last day of Chanukah (Dec 21, 2017). The way to view this story is based on what it says in the Siddur: וּלְךָ עָשיתָ…
The foundation of being an ehrliche Yid and the foundation of somebody being a talmid of Avraham Avinu is based on having good middos (Avos 5:19). And if you lack those good middos, then you’re one of the talmidim of Bilaam Harasha. He’s your rosh yeshivah, he’s your rebbi, and that is what you are drawn to.
In the past, we mentioned a medrash (Bereishis Rabbah 68:2) that describes how Yakov Avinu was going to look for a shidduch, but was faced with a dilemma: he was penniless.[i] He had nothing at all because he had been robbed. He was accosted and lost everything. But he accepted it as a nisayon from Hashem. My Rebbi (Rav Meir Soloveitchik, zt”l) pointed out that Yakov Avinu faced very evil adversaries many times in his life, and situations where people usually stand up in their own defense.
In this week’s parshah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu begins by talking to Moshe Rabbeinu and telling him “You shall command the Bnei Yisrael, and they should take for you, pure olive oil, crushed, for the lighting.” (Shemos 27:20)…Why when it’s talking about the olive oil for the menorah it says they should take ‘for YOU’?
Chazal say in masechta Eiruchin (8b), “Rav Papa says, it says, ‘Your benevolence is like the mighty mountains’ (Tehillim 36:7). Hashem’s tzedakos are like tall mountains. What does that refer to? The gemara says these are nega’im discussed in this parshah, that come upon people.” That’s amazing tzedakah. The end of the pasuk ends off with, “Your judgment is like the great deep.” The gemara says this refers to negei batim.
In this week’s parshah, it says that somebody from the nation of Amon or Moav cannot become part of the Jewish nation. Even after ten generations they can’t come bekahal Hashem forever. Why not? Because of the matter that they didn’t present you with bread and water on the road when you were leaving Mitzrayim. Now, this is an amazing thing.