Bamidbar 5784: Are You Ready for Kabalas HaTorah?

Bamidbar 5784: Are You Ready for Kabalas HaTorah?

Since the Torah on Har Sinai required a kabalas haTorah, it’s important for us to think about whether we are ready for a kabalas haTorah. Rav Chaim Volozhiner writes that kabalas haTorah is not something you do once a year. You should do it every time you learn. A person should be mekabel Torah before he learns. He should think to himself, Na’aseh v’nishma.

Bamidbar 5783: Understanding The Ways of Hashem

Bamidbar 5783: Understanding The Ways of Hashem

In this week’s parshah it says “all the males by their skulls,” by their heads. So the Rema miPano, who authored a sefer called Asarah Ma’amaros, writes that Moshe Rabeinu would look at every single Jew when they came before him to present themselves. Moshe Rabeinu was able to see with ruach hakodesh how many times this individual would be required to come back in the world through gilgul. That’s what the remez of legilgelosam means.