Beshalach 5785: Using Challenges to Build Your Bitachon

Beshalach 5785: Using Challenges to Build Your Bitachon

In the past, we discussed how having pachad and fears does not help a person get siyatta diShmaya. Sometimes, when we see somebody who looks scared and afraid, our hearts go out to that person and we want to help them. So, many people think that if they look afraid and they act scared, Hashem is going to help them. Does that logic make sense to you? No. Why?

Beshalach 5784: Are You Living in the World of Reality?

Beshalach 5784: Are You Living in the World of Reality?

The Torah relates that after Klal Yisrael came out of Mitzrayim, they witnessed the greatest historical event and the greatest revelation up to that point in the history of the world. They saw myriads of makkos, hundreds of makkos. They saw Hashem taking apart Mitzrayim brick by brick. They saw Hashem playing with the Mitzri’im. They saw krias Yam Suf. They were able to point with their finger and say זה קלי ואנוהו, “this is My God, and I will glorify Him” (Shemos 15:2). They saw ananei hakavod, clouds of glory.

Beshalach 5783: Krias Yam Suf: How To Get Out When You Are Stuck

Beshalach 5783: Krias Yam Suf: How To Get Out When You Are Stuck

Everybody who hears this shmuess, should express their hoda’ah to Hashem Yisbarach, that they’re able to go to the bathroom and vacuate without surgery or any other intervention.[i] Perhaps you don’t understand what it says in asher yatzar, and you don’t think about it, that if Hashem blocks one of a person’s openings אי אפשר להתקים, they can’t exist. A person should dance and sing after they go to the washroom.