Chayei Sarah 5785: The Mechanics of Middos

Chayei Sarah 5785: The Mechanics of Middos

In this week’s parshah, we see a very interesting criterion for a shidduch. Eliezer is sent by Avraham Avinu as a shaliach to bring about one of the biggest shidduchim in history. The Torah tells us that Eliezer davened to Hashem to send him the right girl for Yitzchak. Now, Yitzchak was known for his tremendous and amazing yiras Shamayim. If you were to ask me to tell you what to look for when seeking a shidduch for Yitzchak, I would say you should find a girl who also possesses tremendous yiras shamayim. That would be a match.

Chayei Sarah 5783: The Foundation That’s Chessed

Chayei Sarah 5783: The Foundation That’s Chessed

This week’s parshah is the parshah of zivugim. The gemara in Brachos (8a)says when a man married a woman, they would ask him the following: מָצָא או מוֹצֵא, as the passuk in Mishlei (18:22) says: מָצָא אישה מצא טוב – he who finds [motzo] a wife finds goodness, or [motzeh] מוֹצֵא, as the passuk in Koheles (7:26) says, מוֹצֵא אני מר ממות את האישה – I find [motzeh] the woman more bitter than death.[i] It could be the ultimate tov or it can be the ultimate ra.