Korach 5784: Realizing the Impact of Those We See

Korach 5784: Realizing the Impact of Those We See

The story of Korach is an amazing story of how an individual who was of the greatest of the great fell. To say someone is great is nice, but to be great among greats is a much more difficult challenge. The Torah says: “And Korach…took for himself, along with Dasan and Aviram…descendants of Reuven.” Rashi says that because shevet Reuven were neighbors to Kehas and his children they joined Korach in the machlokes: “woe on to the rasha and woe on his neighbor.”

Korach 5783: The Key to Getting Rid of Jealousy

Korach 5783: The Key to Getting Rid of Jealousy

In the past, we have spoken about a massive problem, a challenge the people have with kinah, jealousy, and with sinah, hatred. Today, we would like to discuss the ways and means to deal with these issues. If you think about it, it is really a pachad how much kinah and sinah good individuals have and suffer from – even righteous people, chashuve people. I once heard of a story about two big tzadikim who had a sichsuch (argument) between them, and each one had tainos on the other. One of them was a very…