Vayigash 5785:   The Quickest Way Out of Your Challenge

Vayigash 5785:   The Quickest Way Out of Your Challenge

In this week’s parshah, we encounter a life challenge that many of us will face to some degree. Most people lose themselves completely when they face such a challenge. The Torah says that when Yosef finally meets his brothers and he tells them, “…don’t be angry at yourself that you sold me.” Could you imagine if you had a brother or brothers that sold you into slavery?! And then that sale ended you up in jail, in the papers? You’d be very, very upset. But Yosef tells his brother not to be sad…

Vayigash 5783:  Relating To the Unique Challenges of Yosef HaTzaddik

Vayigash 5783:  Relating To the Unique Challenges of Yosef HaTzaddik

In this week’s parshah, there are a lot of powerful lessons to be learned. Yosef comes face to face with his brothers, and he reveals himself to them. Now, the passuk (Bereishis 45:4) says, אני יוסף אחיכם, I am Yosef your brother, אשר מכרתם אותי מצרימה, whom you sold to Mitzrayim. My Rebbi (HaRav Meir Halevi Soloveichik, zt”l) asked the following question: what was Yosef coming to add when he said אני יוסף אחיכם?

Parshas Vayigash: Learning Emotional Intelligence From Yosef

Shiur presented in 5778 Boruch Matir Assurim! We must begin today’s shiur by giving a shevach to Hashem over the ישועה that He brought about for R’ Shalom Rubashkin on the last day of Chanukah (Dec 21, 2017).  The way to view this story is based on what it says in the Siddur: וּלְךָ עָשיתָ…