Yom Kippur 5784: How to Become a Baal Teshuva

Yom Kippur 5784: How to Become a Baal Teshuva

We are in the middle of the aseres yemei teshuvah and the subject which we want to discuss today is obviously going to be teshuvah. First of all, the question is how do you make someone a ba’al teshuvah? That would be a very nice thing to know. Many of us have relatives that are, nebach, not connected, not observant, maybe grandparents, maybe parents, maybe uncles, cousins, friends, with whom we have some type of relationship;

Yom Kippur 5783 – A Unique Opportunity to Pay Up Our “Debt”

Yom Kippur 5783 – A Unique Opportunity to Pay Up Our “Debt”

Sponsored May We Be Zoche To See Moshiach B’Karov – The Rechanik Family Consider sponsoring a shiurVisit YTATorah.org Shiur presented in 5779 Credit Card Forgiveness Program Last time, we spoke about how easy it is to do teshuva. We explained that all you have to do is say, “Hashem, I became distanced from You, and…