Temporary End to Printed Issues in USA

Dear Loyal Readers,

Regretfully we would like to inform you that due to severe financial constraints, unfortunately, we have to suspend the printing and distribution of Sichos Yisroel (starting from Parsha Balak) in the US, for a foreseeable future. While there is a cost to producing Sichos Yisroel every week (transcribing, editing, type setting) the majority of the week-to-week expenses are due to the printing and distribution natioanlly, and at this time we are not able to continue due to our limited resources.

You will still be able to recieve Sichos Yisroel on a weekly basis by subscribing to our email or visiting www.sichosyisroel.org to download the latest version.

We will also be launching a weekly WhatsApp group to distribute Sichos Yisroel as well.

To make the weekly printing more user friendly, we will be updating our “easy print version” making it easier to read and print at home.

We ask for your continued financial support so that we can make Sichos Yisroel available week to week. Of course, if you would like to discuss more significant fundraising efforts, please do reach out to us directly so that we can continue to grow this tremendous publication.

With Hashem’s help, as we learn to adapt to the current challenges and become a more financially stable organization, we’ll inform our readership when we can re-restart the printing of our weekly Sichos Yisroel pamphlets. Meanwhile, we welcome your encouragement, tefillos and support.

Weekly Email Sign Up

WhatsApp Group SignUp

  • Text “SYWhatsApp” to 1-440-525-3337

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