Bamidbar/Shavuos 5782 – Demonstrating Gevurah for Kabbalas Ha Torah
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Shiur presented in 5780
Consider sponsoring a shiur
Shiur presented in 5780
Our discussion today is about the obligation of hakaras hatov. In the hierarchy of all mitzvos, where does hakaras hatov stand? How important is it? What would you say?
In this week’s parshah, it says “and Hashem spoke to Moshe, saying: ‘Speak to all of Bnei Yisroel…” (Vayikra 19:2). You have to know that this is a very rare introduction. There’s “speak to Bnei Yisroel” but “speak to all Bnei Yisroel” is very unique. Hashem wanted every single part of Klal Yisrael to be involved in this parshah. Rashi points out that for this parashah Klal Yisrael was commanded to come together and to hear directly what Moshe Rabeinu had to say.
In this week’s parshah, it says that somebody from the nation of Amon or Moav cannot become part of the Jewish nation. Even after ten generations they can’t come bekahal Hashem forever. Why not? Because of the matter that they didn’t present you with bread and water on the road when you were leaving Mitzrayim. Now, this is an amazing thing.
The parshah begins by saying “these are the cheshbonos, the accountings, of the donations for the Mishkan”. The word “pekudei” means counting. When you have a lot of different things to take into account and keep track of, that’s called pekudei.
These parshiyos of the Torah teach us the foundation of our lives. A foundation is something upon which other things are built. If you have a small foundation, you can build a small binyan. If you have a large foundation, you can build a large binyan.
Consider sponsoring a shiurVisit Shiur presented in 5778