Behukosai 5782 – Embracing the Yoke of Avodas Hashem
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Shiur presented in 5778
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Shiur presented in 5778
I’d like to share with you today a mindset that one should have regarding the mitzvos of Purim. There is a mitzvah of mishloach manos איש לרעהו on Purim that the Yidden were mekabel upon themselves and it’s something that we still do with a great pump. People spend tremendous amounts of energy and money on this mitzvah today, as we see in all the ads, magazines and newspapers. The problem, however, is…
The Ramchal writes, in Derech Hashem, about the concept of gilgulei neshamos, how a person could come back in different forms. As a matter of fact, one person can even have a number of neshamos. There are many people who don’t understand what motivates them and where they get their koach from. The gemara tells us, for example, that Rabbi Yochanan said: “I come from the offspring of Yosef.”
We have previously discussed the sin of the dor hamabul and we showed you the words of Rabeinu Tam, who says that if a person starts with a little bit of ta’avah and he allows himself to do whatever he wants, there’s no end to it.
I wanted to just point out that this was clearly demonstrated in the generation of the mabul.
In this week’s parshah, it says that somebody from the nation of Amon or Moav cannot become part of the Jewish nation. Even after ten generations they can’t come bekahal Hashem forever. Why not? Because of the matter that they didn’t present you with bread and water on the road when you were leaving Mitzrayim. Now, this is an amazing thing.
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In this week’s parshah, it says that Moshe Rabbeinu told Klal Yisrael to come forward with their donations for the Mishkan. The passuk (Shemos 35:21) mentions two classes of people. There were people who were naso libo and there were also those people that were nedava rucho.