Behar 5782 – The Ultimate Frumkeit
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Shiur presented in 5778
Consider sponsoring a shiur
Shiur presented in 5778
Many times in our lives, we face different series of challenges, and many times the challenge is not a direct challenge to our Yahadus,but one that sneaks up on us. During yemei haChanukah, we need to understand what the challenge of the Yevanim was.
In the beginning of the Parshah, Hashem is talking to Moshe and tells him to come to Pharaoh “…For I have hardened his heart…” My Rebbi pointed out that this pasuk says that Hashem hardened Pharaoh’s heart in order to bring upon him all these miraculous blows. Based on this, if Hashem would not have hardened Pharaoh’s heart, He would not have been able to bring these miraculous blows on Pharaoh. My Rebbi said, “What’s the p’shat in that?”
Tonight, we are going to begin a series on a subject that is very intriguing to most people, a subject that really has much more relevance than most people wish to acknowledge. It’s the subject called gilgul neshamos. In English, the word is reincarnation.
In this week’s Parsha, the Torah commands us regarding observance of Shabbos: ואתה דבר אל בני ישראל לאמר אך את שבתתי תשמרו כי אות הוא ביני וביניכם לדרתיכם לדעת כי אני ה’ מקדשכם – “Speak to the Bnei Yisroel and say, ‘You must keep My Shabbosos, for this is a sign between Me and you throughout the ages, that you may know that I sanctify you.” (Shemos 31:13)
here’s a famous medrash that Rashi brings on the meaning of the word וַיֵּשֶׁב יַעֲקֹב, namely, that the term vayeishev insinuates that Yaakov Avinu wanted rest (Bereishis 37:2). He wanted מרגוע (restfulness). He had been in galus for many years, and was coming back to settle in Eretz Yisrael, the land of his forefathers. The medrash says…
Most people are aware of the general story of Purim. There was a fellow named Haman, who plotted with King Achashveirosh to annihilate the Jewish people in one day. But the story holds a much deeper meaning for each and every one of us when we become aware of the fact that Haman was not just another one of the gentiles. Haman was a descendant of Amalek.