Looking for part time bookkeeper in Eretz Yisrael

Dear Sichos Yisroel Team in Eretz Yisroel,  Eli and I are looking for an extremely part-time bookkeeper in Eretz Yisroel (probably 2-4 hrs/week), to, first, help us with straightening out our financial accounts, and then, managing them, updating us regarding our reserves and cash flow, maybe doing some basic forecasting, and – importantly – paying the…

Parshas Vayigash: Learning Emotional Intelligence From Yosef

Shiur presented in 5778 Boruch Matir Assurim! We must begin today’s shiur by giving a shevach to Hashem over the ישועה that He brought about for R’ Shalom Rubashkin on the last day of Chanukah (Dec 21, 2017).  The way to view this story is based on what it says in the Siddur: וּלְךָ עָשיתָ…

Chaukah 5781: The Grown-Up Message of Chanukah:  Complete Bitachon in Hashem

Shiur presented in 5779 A Superficial Outlook on Yomim Tovim This year, B’ezras Hashem, we will get another chance at celebrating the Yom Tov of Chanukah.  Most  people have a childlike view of Chanukah, just like everything else in their lives because when they were children, their parents introduced them to Chanukah through their childish…